Friday, 30 November 2012

iPhone 5S’ Wireless Power

The latest news reveals that Apple is interested in the new patent for “realistic and practical approach” to wireless charging, so that offer wireless electricity to low-power iPhone within a distance of few meters. The new patent suggest that Apple is investigating the elegant solution of wireless power that use “near-field magnetic resonance” to recharge the iPhone’s low-power battery.
The article also said that one meter wide that can be used to provide electricity to devices simply by stepping within a certain radius of a power source. The patent calls the idea a “realistic and practical approach to wireless transferring.”
This week, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office make the filing public. This filing tells people that the new technology could already be in development and could make it into the next generation iPhone such as iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and etc. In order to protect its benefits of future iPhone, Apple just patent its new technology although they don’t know whether they can make it into the new iPhone 5S.

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