Friday 29 June 2012

Latest news of iPhone 5

News from component companies in Taiwan: The release date of iPhone 5 may bring forward to the end of August for the sake of seizing the business opportunity of “Back to School”. Foxlink, Unimicron, Compeq, Largan and GSEO get large order from Apple in July, and Foxconn, the only assembly manufacturer for iPhone, has experienced urging delivery from Apple. The supply chain of iPhone 5 will start at July and expend in August.
Compared with iPhone 4s, the most distinguishing feature of iPhone 5 are the more powerful Siri fountion. The size of iPhone 5 is thinner, longer than 4s, but the same in width. Big change will appear in the data cable and the charging port which will cost customers 5 times more to buy.

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